Loyal3 Lunch: Starting a New Year

How many lunches?

If you haven't been following this series, I'm trying to break my habit of eating out at lunch for no good reason.  Each day I bring my lunch gives me $5.00 to invest in stock with Loyal3, an online commission-free broker. This week I brought my lunch four of five days; this morning I was rushing out of the house so we could stop on the way to school and buy glue.

Which Stock?

I decided on Intel this week.  Sometime this week in surfing across the web I saw an article recommending it, and the article made sense (and unfortunately I didn't bookmark it).  

Am I making money?

Like the vast majority of people, I lost money this week.

You can see my whole Loyal3 Lunch portfolio by clinking the link at the top of the page.


You note the highly technical analysis of why I think this is a great stock.  I've been reading a bunch of investor blogs trying to get a handle on the lingo, and figure out what I should be looking for in all those numbers.  However, for me, this portfolio is a toy; instead of buying shoes I don't need I buy stock I don't need (and which I hope makes money for me).  I do not recommend that anyone use such an approach when investing large sums of money (whatever "large" is to you). 
Disease Called Debt

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